VIRTUAL | January 31–February 3, 2022 | FREE
Solid-state lighting (SSL) technology is nothing short of revolutionary. Yet we know there is still technology development headroom to raise the bar for efficiency, quality of light, controllability and connectivity, and overall environmental footprint. We also know there is more we can do to remove barriers that still stand in the way of greater deployment of advanced lighting solutions.
What will it take to truly change the lighting paradigm and arrive at a place where energy-efficient lighting systems are simpler to install, are easier to operate, enable dynamic control, and provide clear productivity and health benefits—with less environmental impact?
Join the U.S. Department of Energy and the Illuminating Engineering Society at the 19th annual Solid-State Lighting Workshop, January 31–February 3, 2022, where top lighting scientists and industry thought leaders will gather to share progress, challenges, ideas, and solutions to shape the future of lighting. The DOE Workshop will once again be cosponsored by the IES, leveraging the long-term partnership between DOE and IES to advance the quality and efficiency of lighting through engineering, science, design, and partnerships.
The 2022 workshop will be virtual, and free to attend.
We value your input and participation, and are designing an agenda that will optimize your experience and provide new, thought-provoking content:
- Interactive expert panel discussions dissect complex science and technology issues, identify future research needs, and challenge the status quo by charting a course to the full potential of advanced lighting solutions.
- A dynamic poster session offers opportunities for Q&A, as DOE-funded researchers share their work.
- Topic table sessions solicit inputs that inform planning for future research.