We Invite You

To join our efforts to enhance and advance the world with High-Benefit Lighting.

When you join the NLB, you obtain access to a wealth of educational resources, publications, content and
standards to advance your professional knowledge. As a member, you are part of a peer-based community, and
gain opportunities to build your professional network and enrich your leadership skills.

How We Serve the lighting Industry

The National Lighting Bureau informs and influences decisions about lighting. We provide powerful media exposure for Bureau members, increasing their access to end users engaged in lighting projects. We are an independent, not-for-profit service created by, advocating for, and empowering the lighting community..

Why High-Benefit Lighting?

  • Reduce Energy Use Reduce Energy Use
  • Boost Work Productivity Boost Work Productivity
  • Increase Building-Resale Value Increase Building-Resale Value
  • Enhance Health + Safety Enhance Health + Safety
  • Stimulate Sales Stimulate Sales
  • Lower Insurance Rates Lower Insurance Rates

Interested in joining but have more questions?
Sign up for the NLB 15-minute Webinar.