NEMA Celebrates Section 301 Extensions, Calls for More Action

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Electrical Manufacturers Association celebrated the announced nine month extension of 352 product exclusions in the China Section 301 Investigation that had been scheduled to expire at the end of 2022. The Office of the United States Trade Representative made this announcement last week, extending the exclusions that were initially reinstated on March 28, 2022.

“The electroindustry is playing a vital role in delivering the energy transition, while supporting hundreds of thousands of jobs and shoring up our domestic supply chains,” said NEMA President and CEO, Debra Phillips. “These exclusions are critical to helping our industry accelerate and deliver a new, sustainable energy economy. While these exclusion extensions are a good start, we continue to urge the Biden Administration to fully and comprehensively restart the Section 301 exclusion process to allow the electroindustry to help achieve the administration’s electrification and sustainability goals.”

In April, NEMA sent a letter to Ambassador Tai urging progress on the exclusion process. NEMA joined Americans for Free Trade in a letter focused on the 352 product exclusions that clearly calls for them to be extended. NEMA has also advocated for these exclusions to be extended in meetings on Capitol Hill.

Provided courtesy of the National Electrical Manufacturers Association


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